March 21, 2023

Water Management


Reduce Water Loss

From Plant surface

Green miracle works by creating a barrier between the sun’s rays and your crops, it coats your crops with a thin glassy film that reflects incident light. This prevents the thermic effect of light on plant tissues.

This prevents the thermic effect of light on plant tissues. This prevents the thermic effect of light on plant tissues.


You Need It

  • It imparts drought tolerance to crops by preventing excessive water loss from plants through transpiration.
  • Green Miracle does not interfere in the normal stomatic activities and photosynthetic processes.
  • It improves the crop health and post-harvest keeping quality of the produce.
  • It enhances photosynthetic activity and partitioning of assimilates to the sink.
  • Green Miracle is non-toxic, bio-degradable and environmentally friendly

This prevents the thermic effect of light on plant tissues. Green miracle creates a barrier between the sun’s rays and your crops, by adding a thin glassy film-coat that reflects incident light. This prevents the thermic effect of light on plant tissues.

green box2-01

Frequently asked questions

By efectively reducing water loss from your plants, Greeen miracle brings life back into your crops below are examples of how damaged crops can be restored and bought back to life

Yes,However, a jar test and application in a small area is recommended to test for compatibility before tank use.

By reflecting greater amount of incident light, that would occur under normal conditions.

Light intensity influences the manufacture of plant food, stem length, leaf color and flowering. Generally speaking, plants grown in low light tend to be spindly with light green leaves. A similar plant grown in very bright light tends to be shorter, better branches, and have larger, dark green leaves.

Fill the dry, clean container with the recommended amount of Green Miracle and add water. Stir well to get a good emulsion

Transpiration is the loss of water from a plant in the form of water vapors.

Water is absorbed by roots from the soil and transported as a liquid to the leaves via xylem.

Use Green Miracle, Green Miracle is a new-generation, reflective type of anti-transpirant cum anti-stress product.

It is based on long chain fatty alcohol derived from non-edible vegetable oil.

  1. Vegetables

Pre-flowering stage. Fruit setting, 10 days before harvest.

  1. Non Vegetable

Pre-flowering stage. Pea size of tender fruits, 15-20 days before harvest.

Green miracle works well with the majority of crops, and it works especially well with the following;

Fruit trees
Vine Grapes
Legumes & pulses

Ornamental crops

Tuber crops
Cereals and Millets
Fibre crops
Beverage crops
Fruit plants
Oil Seeds
Herbs & Spices
Chilli plants

Fruit Trees such as;

Apples, Pears, Orange,Citrus, Mango, Plums, Peaches, Date palm, Persian fruit, Avocado

Add 5ml/1Litre of water

Pre-flowering stage. At grain forming stage, 10 days before harvest.


3 ml/ 1 Litre of water

Frequency of application

Pre-flowering stage. At grain forming stage, 10 days before harvest.

Foliar spray – Prepare the spray fluid by mixing it with water at the recommended rate (3-5ml/ltr).

The requirement of the spray fluid volume varies with the crop canopy and the customary local practice in vogue. The spray should be done to the level of drip

Foliar spray – Prepare the spray fluid by mixing it with water at the recommended rate (3-5ml/ltr).

The requirement of the spray fluid volume varies with the crop canopy and the customary local practice in vogue. The spray should be done to the level of drip

Turgidity is the point at which the cell’s membrane pushes against the cell wall, which is when turgor pressure is high. When the cell membrane has low turgor pressure, it is flaccid.

It helps in maintaining the plant rigid and upright. It also results in replete of a cell. It saves the plants from wilting.

Green Miracle maintains the cell turgidity even after harvest; hence improves post-harvest keeping quality of the produce.

it forms a thin glassy film-coat, which reflects incident light more than it would occur under normal conditions. This prevents the thermic effect of light on plant tissues.

The water pressure inside plant cells is called turgor pressure, and it is maintained by a process called osmosis. … If the fluid inside the plant cell is “saltier” than the surrounding fluid, water molecules move in to try to reach equilibrium.

Dry farmed crops may include Vegetables: Chillies, Tomato,Egg Plant, Gaurds,Lentils, Cluster beans, French Beans, leek, Okra, Cucumber, Melon, Gherkins and other cucurbits. Cereals & Millets,

Other Vegetables:Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Celery, Lettuce,

Fruit trees: Apples, Pears, Orange,Citrus, Mango, Plums, Peaches, Date palm, Persian fruit, Avocado

Tuber crops: Potato, carrot,Beetroot, Cassava, Sweet potato.

Cereals and Millets:Wheat, Rice,Oasts, Barley, Maize(Corn), Sorghum, pearl millet, Teff

Herbs & Spices: Chilies, Cumin, Cardamom, Basil, Clove, Nut-mug, Cinnamon, Ginger,Sweet flag, Black pepper, Vanila

Keep Post Harvest
quality with Green Miracle!

Get it today from any of our branches

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