24D-AMINE- 720 G/L
Selective systemic herbicide readily absorbed by foliage accumulating at growing points of shoots and roots to inhibit further growth of…
Email: info@bukoolachemicals.com
Selective systemic herbicide readily absorbed by foliage accumulating at growing points of shoots and roots to inhibit further growth of…
An organophosphate based termiticide/insecticide with outstanding and versatile control of a wide range of insect and arthropods pests. Ant killer…
An exceptional immune modulator that imparts resistance to plants against bacterial diseases like leaf blight, black arm, cankers, angular leaf…
Bio-Cure-B is a biological fungicide containing the cells of rhizobacteria, Pseudomonas fluorescens.
A preventive biological (living) fungicide that attacks disease-causing pathogens before they reach the root system.
Bomba Kaliba comes with five units, a tank, a pump, a spraying unit(tube, switch, spraying rod and a spraying head),…
Bomba Magoba High-Pressure Knapsack Sprayer is for outdoor work such as garden, vegetable plots, or for crops. The advanced design…
This is a selective pre and post-emergence herbicide for control of weeds in rice. It is used against numerous grasses…
CopperMate 50WP is a fungicide combining both systemic and curative properties of Metalaxyl with the protective properties of Copper oxychloride…
An agricultural combined insecticide/miticide for effective control of Leaf miners, Thrips, mites, beetles, fruit flies, plant bugs, fire ants and…
Dudu Alpha is a non-systemic insecticide with rapid knockdown effect for control of troublesome insect pests like maize stalk and…